ICAN DO MORE FOUNDATION is working hard with the help of our members and volunteers to;
i. Promote and work towards the provision of empowerment programs that educate, inform, inspire and develop the youths through strategic networking, partnerships and workshops.
ii. Actively support organizations or initiatives that are aimed at sustenance and promotion of the welfare of vulnerable, displaced and underprivileged children, especially the girl child.
iii. Conduct programs, seminars, webinars, walks and conferences on rights of women and children and the means of enforcing such rights.
iv. Address educational needs of youths in schools and support talented young people in every field.
v. Sensitize and create awareness in schools and local communities on the importance of and role of youths and women in peace building, conflict resolution and inter religious/cultural harmony.
We Are Changing Lives
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We have many Volunteer Opportunities for Professionals and Donors
We Can Empower Our Future Leaders Together
We harness the efforts of our staff and volunteers to positively impact the lives of Youths, Children especially the Girl Child and Women.
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We Can All Do More.
- Wed, 20 NovEqual Right International School, Abuja20 Nov 2019, 19:00 WATEqual Right International School, Abuja
Message from the Executive Director
COVID - 19
COVID - 19
As the world faces this unprecedented uncertainty due to the Corona Virus pandemic, we are reminded that this is not a time for us to panic or spread unverified statements. It is a time for us to; protect ourselves and loved ones by complying with the approved rules, work together and join the global efforts and awareness campaigns aimed at saving our world and reaching out to victims of the pandemic.
Together, We will overcome.